Your coverage includes:

Asistencia médica


Teleasistencia médica


Asesoría y compensación ante demora y/o pérdida de equipaje

Advice and compensation for
delay and/or loss of luggage.

VIP Delay ante vuelos demorados.

VIP Delay for
delayed flights.

App con todo para viajar protegido.

App with everything
for traveling protected.

Asistencia ante COVID-19.


Our App

Travel Tips with ChatGPT
Mobile self-managed medical care
Medical teleassistance
VIP Delay
Useful tools
Travel Tips with ChatGPT
Travel with the most advanced technology
Find the best recommendations for your trip with ChatGPT's artificial intelligence wherever you are
Mobile self-managed medical care
Request assistance in a simpler and faster way
Enter the App, complete our triage, and manage your medical consultation in simple steps.
Medical teleassistance
Talk to a doctor online
Have a video consultation without waiting and without leaving your location. Includes medical prescriptions.
VIP Delay
Register your flight online and access the VIP Delay service
For flight delays of more than 60 minutes, access VIP lounges worldwide.
Useful tools
We make your trip easier
iCovid (useful information about protocols), translator, currency and size converter, packing list, and expense manager.

They already trusted in us

The app is super practical and easy to use. I am very happy because with the health emergency I can easily consult how to handle myself under certain symptoms or situations. I thank you for your time, kindness and service. I am more than satisfied! (Maria N.)

I appreciate your concern for the situation of my daughter, who underwent an appendectomy at the Evangelical Hospital of Montevideo, ROU. I am pleasantly surprised by the speed and level of response from UA and will recommend it to anyone who asks me. (Arturo C.)

It is appropriate to highlight the positive aspects of the management carried out, the speed and disposition in communication, as well as the remarkable sensitivity in trying to achieve management satisfaction. (Carlos M.)

Por qué Universal Assistance

+ 100 mil  Casos atendidos anualmente

+ 500 housand

Cases handled annually

+ 250 mil  Llamados atendidos anualmente

+ 2 millon

Calls answered annually              

+ 10 millones  Personas cubiertas anualmente

+ 20 millon

People covered annually               

+ 20 mil  Prestadores forman nuestra red.

+ 20 thousand

Providers form our network           

+ 300 mil  Viajeros utilizan nuestra app.

+ 500 thousand

Travelers use our app              

+ 500  Personas forman nuestro equipo.

+ 3 thousand

People are part of our team